How long will your rhinoplasty results last? An interview with a Rhinoplasty expert
Top Doctors recently spoke to distinguished consultant ENT surgeon, Mr Florian Bast, to quiz him on all things rhinoplasty, including how long the results of the nose surgery last, and who the operation is most suitable for.
What is the difference between a nose job and a rhinoplasty?
They are the same. They are both terms that are used to describe a number of operations designed to re-shape the nose. The nose may be straightened, or a hump reduced in size. The tip of the nose may also be altered. Whether you choose an open rhinoplasty or a closed rhinoplasty approach depends on the changes needed.
Is nose surgery painful?
It is normal to feel discomfort and mild pain after rhinoplasty. The pain is manageable in almost all cases through the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Most patients just need to take the pain relief medication for the first five days after nose surgery.
How long does a nose job/rhinoplasty last?
The main objective of a surgical rhinoplasty is to create a long-lasting result without any further major revision operations. Rhinoplasty results can last a lifetime, especially if carried out by an experienced surgeon like Mr Florian Bast, one of the best rhinoplasty surgeons in the UK.
Who is the ideal candidate for rhinoplasty?
The ideal candidate is someone who does not have any problematic underlying health condition. People who seek to improve their nasal aesthetics, or correct functional issues like a deviated septum through septorhinoplasty, may benefit greatly from this procedure.
How much is the cost of rhinoplasty?
The starting price for a primary rhinoplasty in my practice is £9,500. This includes all pre-op consultations and if needed, fine-tuning post-procedure. Prices may vary depending on whether you need a revision rhinoplasty or other specialised techniques like tip rhinoplasty.
How long does it take to perform?
It generally takes anywhere between two to four hours, depending on the complexity of the rhinoplasty surgery.
What are the potential side effects?
There is a small risk of suffering a nosebleed that requires further treatment. There is also a very small risk of nasal infection. In rare cases, the operation may leave a hole in your septum inside the nose, going from one side to the other, which can cause issues such as breathing difficulties or crusting.
Most of the time though, it causes no problems at all and needs no treatment. If necessary, further surgery can be carried out to repair a hole in the septum. Five to eight percent of patients require either fine-tuning or revision surgery.
What is recovery time like?
A small splint is placed on the outside of the nose, which should be kept dry. This is removed seven or eight days after surgery. Some swelling will occur around the eyes, cheeks, and jawline, but this will settle after seven to ten days. The nose may produce small amounts of blood and crusts for a week and will be blocked for between two to three weeks. The nose may feel stiff or numb, especially around the tip of the nose. The obvious swelling will settle after two to three weeks. However, subtle changes can be expected for several months and even up to a few years. To see the final results of your rhinoplasty, it’s recommended to wait at least 12 months post-surgery.