Chin Augmentation
Chin Augmentation, also known as Genioplasty or Chin Implant Surgery, is a procedure designed to enhance the contours, shape, and balance of the face. By increasing the projection of the chin and strengthening the jawline, this surgery can help rejuvenate and reconstruct the lower face. Depending on the desired outcome, the procedure can be performed using either an implant or by advancing the bone.
For patients who require only minimal augmentation, non-surgical approaches, such as dermal filler injections, may provide a temporary solution.
Mr Florian Bast, a leading expert in Facial Plastic Surgery and ENT surgery, performs Chin Augmentation in London at some of the most prestigious hospitals and clinics.
What is Chin Augmentation Surgery?
Chin Augmentation surgery involves either:
Chin implants to increase volume and structure.
Bone advancement (genioplasty) to enhance the position of the chin by moving the bone forward.
Key Benefits of Chin Augmentation:
Improves the balance and proportions of the face.
Enhances the definition of the jawline.
Creates a more youthful, structured appearance.
Can improve the harmony of the face when performed alongside Rhinoplasty (nose job) for balanced facial rejuvenation.
During your initial consultation with Mr Bast, you will discuss your needs, concerns, and goals. This personalised assessment will help determine whether a surgical or non-surgical approach is the most appropriate option for you.
Interested in discussing a Chin Augmentation Surgery with Mr Florian Bast?

Chin Augmentation Options
Chin Implants
Chin implants are a common and effective solution to enhance the projection of a receding chin. This simple Chin Augmentation Procedure adds structure to the lower face without altering the natural anatomy.
Procedure Overview:
A small incision is made either below the chin (in a natural crease) or inside the mouth at the gum/lip junction.
A pocket is created in the tissue, and the implant is carefully inserted.
The incision is then sutured. External sutures are typically removed after 5-10 days, while internal sutures dissolve naturally.
Chin Augmentation with implants may be performed as a standalone procedure or combined with other surgeries such as Rhinoplasty to create balanced facial proportions.
Bone Advancement Surgery (Sliding Genioplasty)
For patients who require more substantial enhancement (typically 10mm or more), bone advancement surgery may be recommended.
Procedure Overview:
A small incision is made inside the mouth.
The bone is cut on either side of the jaw and advanced forward.
The repositioned bone is secured using small plates and screws.
This approach is ideal for cases where an implant alone may not provide the desired level of projection.
Interested in discussing a Chin Augmentation Surgery with Mr Florian Bast?
Recovery After Chin Augmentation Surgery
Recovery from Chin Augmentation Surgery is generally straightforward, and most patients go home the same day.
Post-Surgery Care:
A dressing will be applied immediately after surgery and should remain in place for 2-3 days.
It is common to feel a stretched or tight sensation in the chin area, but this typically resolves within a week.
Temporary numbness (known as transient paraesthesia) in the chin or lower lip is normal and usually resolves within a few weeks.
Recovery Timeline:
2-3 days: You can remove the dressing.
10 days: Most patients can resume normal daily activities.
6 weeks: Most swelling will have subsided, and you can fully enjoy the results of your procedure.
Rigorous activities should be avoided for the first few weeks to allow the area to heal properly.
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Is Chin Augmentation Permanent?
This depends on the type of procedure:
Chin implants: These provide a permanent result, although they can be removed or replaced if necessary.
Bone advancement surgery: This is also permanent, as it involves repositioning the bone itself.
Non-surgical Chin Augmentation with fillers is temporary, typically lasting 9-12 months before the filler gradually dissolves.
Does Chin Augmentation Improve the Jawline?
Yes, Chin Augmentation Surgery is highly effective for improving the jawline by strengthening the projection of the chin, which creates a more defined transition between the chin and neck. Many patients seek Chin Augmentation for this reason, especially if they feel their profile appears weak or imbalanced.
How Much Does Chin Augmentation Cost in the UK?
The cost of Chin Augmentation can vary based on the type of procedure and the complexity of the case. Mr Bast’s prices start from £7257, with the prosthesis starting from £500 depending on requirements.
For those seeking Chin Augmentation in London, it is crucial to choose an experienced and qualified Facial Plastic Surgeon like Mr Florian Bast, who can deliver tailored, natural-looking results.
Interested in discussing a Chin Augmentation Surgery with Mr Florian Bast?
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Mr Florian Bast offers ENT and facial plastic surgery at a variety of hospitals in London, England. These include: Rhinology at Cromwell Hospital, London; Rhinology at Cadogan Clinic, London; Balloon sinus dilation at The Lister Hospital, London; Endoscopic balloon dilation at Weymouth Street Hospital, London; Rhinology at Guys Hospital and St Thomas’ Hospital, London; ENT services at 25 & 9 Harley Street, London; Rhinology at Sydney Street Diagnostics Centre, London.